Serwis poświęcony przyrodzie województwa podkarpackiego

Educational publications


The idea of the project was also popularised owing to educational films and publications addressed to different groups of recipients.


Five episodes of the educational programme devoted to ecological corridors were prepared as part of the project: 

  • Episode I Barriers and corridors - about the importance of ecological corridors and counteracting formation of barriers and about the project assumptions,
  • Episode II Local corridors - about problems concerning maintenance of passages for animals at the local level,
  • Episode III Space for spotted eagle,
  • Episode IV On the track of large mammals,
  • Episode V Protection and development. 

Films presented major assumptions of the project, the essence of migration corridors and the necessity for their protection. Ecological corridors were presented on a local scale and legal status and problems which members of local governments face while determining and protecting of animal passages were discussed. Films also presented the protection of existing ecological corridors and determination of new ones, ensuring the maintenance of environment consistency for the population of these animals, the increase in the level of knowledge and awareness of authorities, inhabitants of the region as regards the importance of ecological corridors, their role, as well as hazards associated with civilization and improper policy of expanding human settlements. Particular episodes (parts) were broadcasted by TVP 3 Rzeszów. In addition, movies were made available on DVDs. DVDs were distributed among institutions of nature protection, communes and schools from the project implementation area. They were also given during organisation of seminars, trainings and ecological contests. All episodes of the educational programme are available on the project website




The Magura National Park prepared also the film summarising the implementation of the project entitled "On the track of Carpathian fauna."  The film presents the works carried out in association with the project implementation and its results. Moreover, the issues of animal migration in the examined area and habitat requirements of lesser spotted eagle were presented. DVDs were distributed among institutions of nature protection, communes and schools from the project implementation area.




Publications propagating the ideas of the project and its results were also prepared under the project:

  • A map of migration corridors (the entire area covered by the project) 
  • Maps of migration corridors for districts: Bieszczady, Lesko, Sanok, Jasło, Krosno and Przemyśl 



  • Educational folders for districts: Bieszczady, Lesko, Sanok, Jasło, Krosno and Przemysl



  •       Materials for communes and districts: Bieszczady, Lesko, Sanok, Krosno, Jasło, Przemyśl concerning plots located within local migration corridors marked out under the project




  •   Lesser spotted eagle Clanga pomarina in the landscape of the Carpathian Mountains




Publications addressed to the youngest recipients were also created as part of the project: 

  • Lesser spotted eagle - the king of Magura sky 





In connection with the implementation of the project scenarios of classes were also prepared along with didactic materials possible to be used during standard classes or field classes. Three kinds of scenarios were prepared, each adapted to the age of recipients, for primary school pupils, junior secondary school pupils and for secondary schools. Materials are available in the electronic and paper form. The printed paper version was transferred to schools from the Podkarpackie Province.  Lesson plans are available on the project website.





The issue of the project is also referred to in a diaporama prepared by the Bieszczady National Park, presenting the issue of protection of predators and ecological corridors.




Strona internetowa opracowana w ramach projektu "Zielone Podkarpacie", dzięki wsparciu udzielonemu przez Islandię, Liechtenstein, i Norwegię poprzez dofinansowanie ze środków MF EOG oraz Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego, a także ze środków budżetu RP w ramach Funduszu dla Organizacji Pozarządowych.

Strona została rozbudowana w ramach projektu "Tropem karpackich żubrów" współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz z budżetu państwa za pośrednictwem Euroregionu Karpackiego w ramach Programu Współpracy Transgranicznej Rzeczpospolita Polska – Republika Słowacka 2007-2013.

Strona została rozbudowana w ramach projektu "Zielone Podkarpacie - popularyzacja różnorodności biologicznej w wymiarze ekosystemowym" który korzysta z dofinansowania w kwocie 896 496 zł pochodzącego z Islandii, Liechtensteinu i Norwegii w ramach funduszy EOG.

Strona została rozbudowana w ramach projektu "Ochrona ostoi karpackiej fauny puszczańskiej - korytarze migracyjne" realizowanego przy wsparciu Szwajcarii w ramach szwajcarskiego programu współpracy z nowymi krajami członkowskimi UE.

Copyrights 2015. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. projekt i realizacja: ideo